How do I create a slogan span as displayed throughout the preview site with breaks and two colors?

1. Locate your Site Set Up area and add <span> tags along with a <br> to your Slogan area.


2. Place the following CSS in your Custom CSS area found in the page inspector under the Header tab:

#bttmHeader h2#slogan span { color: #1a617a;}
* The following snippet only affects larger browser windows so slogans render properly on mobile devices.

3. More advanced users may also use the same process for changing parts of the title area by using the following tag as seen on other BLT Design projects:

Site Setup:


Custom CSS:

#bttmHeader #title span { color: #ffffff;}

3. Enjoy a customized title and slogan area as seen on the Features page of the preview site.

How do I create a line span as displayed on the Features page of the preview site with a large "dash"?

Stacks Image 721
1. Place a div class within your text area where you wish to have a "/".

01 <div class="line">/</div> Unique 3 Option Menu
Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 2.06.12 PM

2. Place the following CSS in your Custom CSS area found in the page inspector under the Header tab:

.line { float: left; padding: 0 20px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica; color: #ececec; font-size: 70px; font-weight: 100;}
Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 2.06.30 PM

3. Enjoy a customized dash area as seen on the Features page of the preview site.